Course curriculum

  • 1

    Exothermic & Endothermic

    • 01 Enthalpy change

    • 02 Enthalpy of formation

    • 03 Enthalpy of combustion

  • 2

    Hess's cycles

    • 04 Hess's law

    • 05 Calculating enthalpy change from enthalpy of formation

    • 06 Calculating enthalpy change from enthalpy of combustion

    • 07 Calculating enthalpy change from enthalpy of formation

    • Hess's Cycle Questions

  • 3

    Thermal decomposition & Hydration

    • 08 Thermal decomposition

    • 09 Hydrated salts

    • Thermal Decomposition & Hydration Questions

  • 4

    q = mcT

    • 10 q = m x c x T for solutions

    • 11 q = m x c x T for solids & solution

    • 12 Combustion of ethanol

    • q = m x c x T Questions

  • 5

    Bond energy

    • 13 Bond enthalpy

    • Bond Enthelpy Questions

  • 6

    Topic 3.1.4 Notes

    • Topic 3.1.4 Notes